Student Discipline

Every act of behavior cannot be anticipated through written expectations. The staff will make judgments in handling situations not covered in this list. Consistent with the philosophy of King Open is the recognition that behavior often has a variety of causes. We affirm the process of using reflection, listening, writing and discussion. Our teachers have classroom expectations and policies that will be reviewed with students. Students often help make the class priorities for each year. Within the classroom and with administrators, playground and lunch supervisors, we use processes consistent with Responsive Classroom in order to build community and to help students learn how to repair damage that their negative behavior may have caused. We are working to institute a “Buddy Room” system among all classrooms to minimize disruption to teaching and learning and to provide time-out for students when it may be helpful.

Regular, frequent or severely disruptive behavior requires more serious consequences. We teach about “Bullying behavior” so that all learn what bullying is and how to oppose it. Students learn that we adults deal directly and decisively with bullying behavior.

We also recognize that sharing information with parents and guardians is important for effective home-school collaboration to support positive student behavior and to correct problems. We have the responsibility to notify parents consistently when significant issues arise and to document these calls.

School suspension, either in-school or out-of-school, is a consequence for more serious infractions. Administrators will contact parents in a timely way when such situations arise.

Our goal is to protect the right of every student in our school to receive an education in a positive, safe and orderly community. With everyone working toward that goal, King Open School will be a positive place in which to learn.

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