King Open Extended Day

King Open Extended Day Program (KOED)
359 Broadway

Cambridge, MA 02139

Fax: 617.349.6548

The King Open Extended Day (KOED) is a unique collaboration between the Cambridge Public School District and the City of Cambridge Department of Human Services Programs (DHSP), designed to link the school-day and after-school experiences of children and families.  The KOED is an afterschool program that is completely integrated into the King Open School. Only enrolling children from King Open, KOED supports children’s social and academic learning and provides children enrolled with a holistic school experience from the moment they enter the King Open building to the time that they are picked up from afterschool.

  • We work to create a child-centered and enriching after-school environment for students
  • We provide a range of after school activities that respond to different learning styles and encourage exploration, creativity and play.
  • We work with children in our after school program and during the school day.
  • We work in partnership with King Open school-day teachers and staff to support the academic growth of enrolled students.
  • We see ourselves as partners with parents and caregivers in educating their child.
  • We provide outreach and referrals to community resources that may benefit the child and family, including summer programming (KOED does not run a summer program).
  • We recognize that each child brings a unique set of life experiences at home, in school, with peers and adults, and in her/his community, and help to bridge these different worlds.
  • We build an understanding of the factors that impact each child’s development, and work with key people in her/his life to help the child succeed in different settings.

koed_content.jpgKOED values social learning equally with academic learning. Teaching strategies for social interactions and coping skills, KOED staff are charged with creating a safe, child centered environment that responds to the individual needs of children while also building teamwork and community. Using Project Based Learning units for curriculum delivery and the Responsive Classroom approach to teaching, KOED’s head teachers create a menu of activities and learning experiences for children that offer a large picture of the community they live in and the world they will be shaping later in life. After school activities include:

  • Afternoon meeting and group activities
  • Snack
  • Project-based learning and enrichment activities
  • Homework and academic time
  • Indoor and outdoor non-competitive and healthy competitive games, recreation and play
  • Healthy living and citizenship
  • Reading, literacy, arts (both visual and performing), and sports
  • Field trips, special guests, and events

Dates and Hours of Operation
We are in operation for 10 months, from the first day of school in September to the last day of school in June. We do not run summer programming. We are closed on most city and legal holidays.
We are open from 2:55PM to 6PM pm every school day, 12:55PM to 6PM on early release days and 8AM to 5:30PM during school vacations.

Registration Information
New registration is for children in kindergarten through 5th grades that attend the King Open School only.

Families interested in enrolling a child should fill out an Enrollment Request/Waitlist Form, available in the KOED office (room 123) or from the King Open School Family Liaisons.

Previously enrolled children and siblings of children in the program may get first priority. Newly registered children are accepted based on availability and a date of Enrollment Request. Some slots are reserved for referrals from school staff and collaborating agencies, and for families in significant need. Tuition Assistance is available for eligible families.

KOED Administration
Bucky O'Hare, Program Manager, 617.349.4469

Darrell Williams, King Open Principal, 617.349.6540

Ellen Semonoff, Assistant City Manager, Department of Human Service Programs, 

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