King Open is a school with a smorgasbord of
traditions, values, and people. One of the
great things about our school is the cross
grade interaction seen between the students.
One of the ways this is demonstrated is
through the kindergarten book buddy
program. Once a week students from third
and fourth grade classrooms visit junior
kindergarten and kindergarten students to
read them books. Each older student is paired
up with a kindergarten child and they spend a
half hour picking out and reading all types of
literature with each other. This tradition helps
build community, improve literacy skills, and
gives older students the opportunity to play
role models to our youngest learners. The
children in kindergarten look
forward to
seeing their buddies weekly. Many times their
faces even light up in the hallway when they
are walking by their older mentor. Book
buddies is a great tradition that helps define
who we are at King Open.
Matthew Thoman
JK Teacher