Leveled Literacy Intervention

Leveled Literacy Intervention, designed and written by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell, is a short-term intervention designed to help younger children (grades K, 1, and 2) who need extra help reading on grade level. Using a structured framework, the teacher provides daily small group lessons that include reading, writing, and phonics/word study. The texts are sequenced to build strategic actions across time.

The early literacy interventionist or other specially trained teacher works with up to three children at a time for thirty minutes, for fourteen to eighteen weeks. Based on student progress and specific needs, students may be regrouped to provide a more specific focus or additional time in intervention.

How LLI students are Selected
Students are selected based on literacy benchmark scores, teacher observations and other reading, writing, and phonemic awareness data. Communications between grade level teams, the Early Literacy Interventionist and the Literacy Coach help identify children who could benefit from LLI throughout the year.

Primary Review
Primary Review meetings are held twice a year to discuss students with academic concerns who may benefit from some early interventions or require a screening for additional information. Kindergarten teachers review all students in the fall, and discuss children they have academic concerns about in the winter.  Grade 1/2 teachers discuss students they have academic concerns about in fall and winter. Primary review meetings are held for K-2 students. Scheduling for meetings is 1 full day for Kindergarten and 1 full day for 1/2 classroom teachers. The time frame for each classroom/teacher is 1 hour. Special Educators, Speech & Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Early Literacy Interventionist, Coaches, Classroom Teacher and Administrator attend these meetings.

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